I figured out how to make the game full screen. Alt+enter. By the way I agree with the above post that you should add a donate link. This game is of a very high quality. I would personally pay 20 dollars for it on steam.
[…] can download Exit Fate for free over on SCF’s personal website. For more information and strategy guides, here is a handy fan-made website dedicated to the […]
[…] old blended with just enough newness to hit all the right notes. The game is available for free at SCF’s personal website, where prospective players are able to make a donation if they’d like. It stands tall enough on […]
I played Last Scenario a few years ago and though a slow start and an exceptional art style it was one of the best rpgs I´ve ever played. There was a scene in a book, which reminded me of it so I came back to see if the makers do have a new game and I played Exit Fate.
And I can gladly say: You did it. Again!
Once in school and now in college.
You made me fail an examen, because I rather played your stupid game than learning. And I don´t even regret it
Don´t worry I think I can handle it.
Thanks a bunch for all the details, the work and that it´s for free. You guys really rock!
I just have a quick question. After leaving Highland for the second time (possibly forging an alliance) I can’t leave through the gate guards at the end of the mountain path. I can’t even interact with them…..am I missing something or did the game just glitch?
Was working on a similar suikoden game called Liberated Arms, lost everything besides Title, it may not have war battles, but possibly just a battle ground area where you just go randomly fight enemies but have a leader boss to fight in the field, etc.
If you hadn’t ripped out the music from other games, and the plotline and background areas from suikoden 2 you could have published this on steam. Decent fan effort though.
This probably isn’t the best place for this, but I have been trying to get an A-rank in the battle at Grunthall for a while now, and I can’t get it! I get 100% in “speed” and “efficiency”, but i get RAILED on power (I keep getting 20% or so). I don’t even know what power means… any suggestions?
As an up-and-coming indie reviewer and lifelong fan of RPG’s, I just want to say something about your game, good sir.
This is not just the best indie game I’ve ever played. This is one of the best RPG’s I’ve ever played. Had me up until three in the morning every night for a fortnight playing this game. Truly, truly amazing stuff.
Just finished it up, hell of a game. Played all the original Suikoden games, and this is a good spiritual successor if I ever saw one. Thanks for giving us more of what Konami seems to refuse to. Keep it up.
Holy shit the art-style is atrocious. What’s the point of copying Suikoden if you can’t draw worth shit. Looks like everyone in the game has worms of the brain
Man this game was amazing (Well, “Is”) These were 40 hours very well spent. I enjoyed the story, the dificulty, the humor, the drawings, the side-quests, each character’s personality…I could go on and on but I don’t want to ramble.
If you’d put original music I’m sure you could put your game on steam and be very succesfull!! However, if that’s not your goal, that’s cool too! Just know the quality of your game is stupendous, fascinating, astounding…
Forgot to add – the difficulty is PERFECT where it’s at. I actually lost some boss fights and it’s been a loooong time in games since that’s happened to me. I was pleased to say the least.
Absolutely outstanding. Thank you for picking up where Konami failed.
This game’s version of blackjack was a little off, but other than that it has been an absolutely outstanding play. The only thing I would suggest is that you get an original soundtrack for your next game (assuming you’ll make a sequel, which I really hope you do), or if not original, just use an entire Suikoden soundtrack (like V). I went ahead and replaced the overused Squaresoft songs on my own, so it wasn’t that big of a deal.
Absolutely outstanding though! Here I thought I’d never get to play another good Suikoden game with Konami being such ass hats!
[…] versions of this package, you can’t go far wrong with Last Scenario, and the more recent Exit Fate, the latter of which boasts a large-scale strategic combat engine and more than a few nods to the […]
first impression, a damn good homebrew game. A few points though.
-It could do with some original BGM.
-Balance is a bit off, it’s pretty hard to earn money in this game, and the starting monsters are pretty tough.
-The story progress is a bit too quick, just make sure the player can keep up.
-The main protagonist should be a silent-reactive one, just like the ones in suikoden, they makes the player feels that they ARE the character.
-Props for not putting any annoying tutorial like the games nowadays, although, the magic system is a bit confusing at first.
-Battle system is fast paced and not boring, good job.
-Tactical Battle system is good, need more improvement on unit coloring.
-Artwork is great, my only problem is with the women face, they look like men! you can avoid this by using thinner more delicate faces, rounder eyes, and pretty eyelashes.
that’s all! Very brilliant job on the game! Thanks!
Fantastic game.
The RPG Maker engine suffers from so much undue prejudice – but this game alone is enough to make anyone change his or her mind, I believe.
Keep up the good work, and best of luck in all your future projects. You inspire me.
Hey umm I screwed up wondering if i can get a backup save file for the city before entering the place were rock kidnaps you after castle I need a save before then bc idk i needed to level to survive through that so therefore I’m stuck were all my moves miss on the creatures and they do 80 dmg
Ben. Use all mages/scouts with like one or two of best units as calvary for A’s. Same battles A are hard but you don’t have to A them.
Download a program called cheat engine load the exe of the game running, enable speedhack and set it at 3-5x speed if you want to rush.
Another thing to do is turn off random encounters. You can do it by again running the game, going to some where with random encounters and
1. Unknown initial value (forgot what value try all)
2. Take on step left, search decreased value. One step right again decrease. Up decreased. Down decreased. Open menu fiddle a bit unchanged to weed some out. Repeat the steps w/o encounter to get it down to s single value (if encounter pops up spend $ to cancel it and search increased value). In a minute or so you get one number. freeze it.no encounters until you load a save.
Or give yourself infinite gold using the same step logic but on spending(4bytes search value, value x2+1,etc until you learn how its in there)
Its rpg maker iirc so you could also decrypt the rgassd archive and run it via testplay if you have rpgmaker. F12 and control is what you want.
Game is very user friendly as is but as it is on PC you can tweak all day long on anything that doesn’t suit you.
Gamers need to be a little more self sufficient. One belt notch can’t fit everyone.
200 Responses.
I figured out how to make the game full screen. Alt+enter. By the way I agree with the above post that you should add a donate link. This game is of a very high quality. I would personally pay 20 dollars for it on steam.
How do I play Exit Fate in full screen mode? It seems to only load as a window with no maximizing options. Otherwise this game is AMAZING!!
I’ve ported Exit Fate 1.02 for Mac OS X (tested on Mountain Lion only). You can get it here: http://adf.ly/P4obw
[…] can download Exit Fate for free over on SCF’s personal website. For more information and strategy guides, here is a handy fan-made website dedicated to the […]
[…] old blended with just enough newness to hit all the right notes. The game is available for free at SCF’s personal website, where prospective players are able to make a donation if they’d like. It stands tall enough on […]
I played Last Scenario a few years ago and though a slow start and an exceptional art style it was one of the best rpgs I´ve ever played. There was a scene in a book, which reminded me of it so I came back to see if the makers do have a new game and I played Exit Fate.
And I can gladly say: You did it. Again!
Once in school and now in college.
You made me fail an examen, because I rather played your stupid game than learning. And I don´t even regret it
Don´t worry I think I can handle it.
Thanks a bunch for all the details, the work and that it´s for free. You guys really rock!
I just have a quick question. After leaving Highland for the second time (possibly forging an alliance) I can’t leave through the gate guards at the end of the mountain path. I can’t even interact with them…..am I missing something or did the game just glitch?
For anyone who wants to just skip the finale war, I know it would of been easy just to use a cheat engine.
Hopefully, I just use dropbox to archive everything this time.
Was working on a similar suikoden game called Liberated Arms, lost everything besides Title, it may not have war battles, but possibly just a battle ground area where you just go randomly fight enemies but have a leader boss to fight in the field, etc.
If you hadn’t ripped out the music from other games, and the plotline and background areas from suikoden 2 you could have published this on steam. Decent fan effort though.
Yeah well, he knows how to code, write dialogue and plot, graphics design he is allowed to NOT know how to make music and background art…
zap come on and let’s play it on psp….
but where could i dp this one? the fuck
This probably isn’t the best place for this, but I have been trying to get an A-rank in the battle at Grunthall for a while now, and I can’t get it! I get 100% in “speed” and “efficiency”, but i get RAILED on power (I keep getting 20% or so). I don’t even know what power means… any suggestions?
Power is gained when you destroy the unit/s from opposing force.
Example : A force got 5 unit. When you destroy 1 unit and finish the scenario you got 20% power.
Very nice game, and it also seems to be made by some Dutchies?! Hup Holland nog zo eentje!
As an up-and-coming indie reviewer and lifelong fan of RPG’s, I just want to say something about your game, good sir.
This is not just the best indie game I’ve ever played. This is one of the best RPG’s I’ve ever played. Had me up until three in the morning every night for a fortnight playing this game. Truly, truly amazing stuff.
Just finished it up, hell of a game. Played all the original Suikoden games, and this is a good spiritual successor if I ever saw one. Thanks for giving us more of what Konami seems to refuse to. Keep it up.
the best rpg maker game.
man, what battle system you use in this game?
I can make one in rpg maker xp?
Decent RPG – but what the hell? Music from FF:Tactics
Holy shit the art-style is atrocious. What’s the point of copying Suikoden if you can’t draw worth shit. Looks like everyone in the game has worms of the brain
Fuck off mate. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all.
Is finaly made ExitFate?I need some game this kain.
Man this game was amazing (Well, “Is”) These were 40 hours very well spent. I enjoyed the story, the dificulty, the humor, the drawings, the side-quests, each character’s personality…I could go on and on but I don’t want to ramble.
If you’d put original music I’m sure you could put your game on steam and be very succesfull!! However, if that’s not your goal, that’s cool too! Just know the quality of your game is stupendous, fascinating, astounding…
Make EF2: Hanks Revenge already!
PS – rip irc.teragon
I played this years ago, and it was just FREAKING AWESOME.
So I’m gonna play it again now. Just great. Really, really great.
I love this game, you’ve made a great work. i like the difficulty, it remembers me the old RPG games
Forgot to add – the difficulty is PERFECT where it’s at. I actually lost some boss fights and it’s been a loooong time in games since that’s happened to me. I was pleased to say the least.
Absolutely outstanding. Thank you for picking up where Konami failed.
This game’s version of blackjack was a little off, but other than that it has been an absolutely outstanding play. The only thing I would suggest is that you get an original soundtrack for your next game (assuming you’ll make a sequel, which I really hope you do), or if not original, just use an entire Suikoden soundtrack (like V). I went ahead and replaced the overused Squaresoft songs on my own, so it wasn’t that big of a deal.
Absolutely outstanding though! Here I thought I’d never get to play another good Suikoden game with Konami being such ass hats!
[…] versions of this package, you can’t go far wrong with Last Scenario, and the more recent Exit Fate, the latter of which boasts a large-scale strategic combat engine and more than a few nods to the […]
first impression, a damn good homebrew game. A few points though.
-It could do with some original BGM.
-Balance is a bit off, it’s pretty hard to earn money in this game, and the starting monsters are pretty tough.
-The story progress is a bit too quick, just make sure the player can keep up.
-The main protagonist should be a silent-reactive one, just like the ones in suikoden, they makes the player feels that they ARE the character.
-Props for not putting any annoying tutorial like the games nowadays, although, the magic system is a bit confusing at first.
-Battle system is fast paced and not boring, good job.
-Tactical Battle system is good, need more improvement on unit coloring.
-Artwork is great, my only problem is with the women face, they look like men! you can avoid this by using thinner more delicate faces, rounder eyes, and pretty eyelashes.
that’s all! Very brilliant job on the game! Thanks!
Some reason, or is it just me, the game application doesn’t work. All I get is a black screen and then it just freezes
looo seem u inspiring on suikoden 2 !!!! cool
wow, amazing…this game is well done
and it hinted on sequel too
i really hope there will be a sequel
…I think you mean “AND”, not “OR”.
Can I put this on PSP?
Please answer I really want to play this game on my psp!
Yes you can
How? Please sir can you let me know? I will be forever grateful to you!
@Lolabrika Can you teach me how to do it? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
Sorry for the late response btw i’m working on it, perhaps i’ll post the iso thing tomorrow or the next day.
Waiting excitedly.. ^^
Anytime soon?
@lolabrika Where is the link? Are you still gonna post it?
Really enjoyed your games such a cool and interesting story,will you make another one ?
What i must do to Myst and Griever join to me.
Fantastic game.
The RPG Maker engine suffers from so much undue prejudice – but this game alone is enough to make anyone change his or her mind, I believe.
Keep up the good work, and best of luck in all your future projects. You inspire me.
Hey umm I screwed up wondering if i can get a backup save file for the city before entering the place were rock kidnaps you after castle I need a save before then bc idk i needed to level to survive through that so therefore I’m stuck were all my moves miss on the creatures and they do 80 dmg
awesome game
i wish i can use some tilesets you used in your game
pretty please?
i hope there’s a sequel for this
I’m really enjoying Exit fate, even if I’m not a pure rpg lover.
I wish I could find more infos on SCF or even the games on this website
exit fate fan site (not mine, not scfs either)
It’s pretty cool your game I loved the graphics and I
I wonder if I can use them in a game
I would love to see this game on Xbox Live Arcade Indie Section — or on PSN somewhere.
It’s so amazing and people unfortunately are missing out on it.
really good and fun
[…] Exit Fate […]
in town mad what can be taken
[…] I played some of a freeware game called Exit Fate. It’s very much an homage to Suikoden II, though I feel it’s almost too much of an […]
Ben. Use all mages/scouts with like one or two of best units as calvary for A’s. Same battles A are hard but you don’t have to A them.
Download a program called cheat engine load the exe of the game running, enable speedhack and set it at 3-5x speed if you want to rush.
Another thing to do is turn off random encounters. You can do it by again running the game, going to some where with random encounters and
1. Unknown initial value (forgot what value try all)
2. Take on step left, search decreased value. One step right again decrease. Up decreased. Down decreased. Open menu fiddle a bit unchanged to weed some out. Repeat the steps w/o encounter to get it down to s single value (if encounter pops up spend $ to cancel it and search increased value). In a minute or so you get one number. freeze it.no encounters until you load a save.
Or give yourself infinite gold using the same step logic but on spending(4bytes search value, value x2+1,etc until you learn how its in there)
Its rpg maker iirc so you could also decrypt the rgassd archive and run it via testplay if you have rpgmaker. F12 and control is what you want.
Game is very user friendly as is but as it is on PC you can tweak all day long on anything that doesn’t suit you.
Gamers need to be a little more self sufficient. One belt notch can’t fit everyone.
Your back. Thats great. These games are still worth replaying. Hope you keep us informed if you ever make another rpg or Exit Fate 2.
You should consider a donation link. Your quality and style has created a following.
Thanks! I had a donation link before, but I forgot to re-add it when I redid the site.
You should put saves in to every war battle or afterwards. I just want to complete the game already.
Hello, where is Exit Fate version 1.04?
The Newest is v1.02. As said here:
Update: to avoid confusion. The newest version of Exit Fate is 1.02. The 1.04 refers to the version of RPGMaker it was created with.