[…] The gameplay is very satisfying, taking influence from Suikoden and Chrono Cross and their masses of recruitable characters. With both standard turn-based battles and strategy-RPG style sections, Exit Fate never feels boring to play and is very pretty to look at. It can be downloaded here. […]
Игроку предстоит странствовать по миру, заходить в многочисленные города, участвовать в сражениях с рядовыми врагами, а иногда и крупномасштабных битвах одной армии на другую. Точно так же как и в Suikoden II, в Exit Fate представлено огромное количество союзников (75), которых предстоит находить и уговаривать вступить в ряды своей армии, дабы получить в конце лучшую концовку. Вскоре герой получит свой замок, в котором буду жить его подчиненные и сможет воочию понаблюдать за их досугом. Каждый герой не то чтобы уникален, но имеет ряд своих талантов, которые игроку будут полезны: как в рядовых битвах, так и в крупномасштабных.
Игроку предстоит странствовать по миру, заходить в многочисленные города, участвовать в сражениях с рядовыми врагами, а иногда и крупномасштабных битвах одной армии на другую. Точно так же как и в Suikoden II, в Exit Fate представлено огромное количество союзников (75), которых предстоит находить и уговаривать вступить в ряды своей армии, дабы получить в конце лучшую концовку. Вскоре герой получит свой замок, в котором буду жить его подчиненные и сможет воочию понаблюдать за их досугом. Каждый герой не то чтобы уникален, но имеет ряд своих талантов, которые игроку будут полезны: как в рядовых битвах, так и в крупномасштабных.
I’ve upgraded to Catalina 10.15.4 and can’t run the game. Anyone else having the same problem? Whenever I click on the downloaded file, it says it can’t be opened. Please help!!!
[…] >Exit Fate: I spent like a week on this and I still haven’t finished it, oops. Lots of monsters, cool locations, a cool story, a handful of battle campaigns, and 120987019873 playable characters for a 6 character party. (More like 60, but whatever.) It’s a very solid RPG. What more could you want? […]
For one, the soundtrack is composed solely of songs sto– borrowed from Final Fantasy, Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, etc. So he’d have to get someone to make new music for it, at the very least. But unfortunately, the creator doesn’t seem to have an online presence anymore, at least not a public one, and it’s been so many years now that it’s become impossible to expect anything new to spring from this site. I just hope the person behind SCFWorks is out there somewhere, doing well. Exit Fate will live on forever as one of the five best Suikoden games, IMO.
Someone is clearly maintaining the site. The bottom of the page has a copyright 2020 on it. Maybe the server host does that automatically? I don’t know anything about these things. I’m sure the creator could bring people in to get some music made for it.
I just think people want to see this game get some compensation because they made a really good game and have clear talent. It’s just unfortunate because today has a lot more opportunities to make some money off of independent games than 10 years ago.
Amazing game! Very well written cast and plot! Gameplay is just a liiiiiitle bit grindy, but oh well. I wish for you to make a new project that you could sell on Steam.
[…] Title: Exit Fate Author: SCF Story: Exit Fate is a freeware RPG similar to Suikoden, wherein you can recruit seventy-five playable characters. It also bears some similarity to Chrono Cross.note The story centers on a man named Daniel, a colonel in the Kirgard Army. Kirgard and Zelmony are two nations at war, fights breaking out every 20 years or so. On the eve of the invasion of Helman Island, Daniel blacks out and wakes up in the middle of the woods, only to be branded a traitor. Seeing no other alternative, he joins the other side in order to try and bring a swift end to the war. He is then put in charge of a special unit to defend Zelmony, whereupon… erm… Okay, fine. The plot begins as one big Cliché Storm. Luckily, the plot thickens over time (culminating in a few legitimate twists toward the end), and it makes up for the initial unoriginality in depth, beauty, a colorful cast of characters and motives being used in unexpected ways. Never confuse the protagonist, Daniel Vinyard, with the similarly-named character (Daniel Vineyard) of American History X. This work is also not about exiting Fate. Screenshot: Download: Here […]
I played this years ago, but ran into a game breaking bug that made it impossible to progress. I was just thinking about it again, and saw the Android port, so I’ll give it another go. Great game!
I found this game downloaded on my computer from a while ago. I could have sworn it was from gamejolt, but after checking for the page, I came up empty handed. The game has gotten my attention for sure though! I wanted to say that on our channel “Bro Motions”, this game is officially the first game for our new “silent gameplay” series. I absolutely love the soundtracks and story so far. Cheers!
It’s a fantastic game, thanks for making it happened. Downloaded it back in 2009 only managed to finished it recently with the unofficial android port. It’s a blast and it’s much more enjoyable playing in a phone IMO.
[…] todos esses anos jogando RPGs de várias plataformas diferentes, de longe, o jogo Exit Fate da Empresa SCFWorks, foi o melhor RPG que já joguei na vida. Para quem gosta de uma boa […]
[…] atas screenshoot playnya jika ingin tahu bisa terus di download disini Link download : Disini game-game di atas sudah dapat dimaikan dengan versi full versionya gratis lagi, jadi kalin […]
Suikoden was and still is my favorite RPG, I just found Exit Fate and after only 3 hours I already love your work!! So well done!!! I hope you are working on a second part..!!! I would invest in a project like this and I would think that these kind of games still have a bigger popularity than most people think. Especially now, with people playing games on their phones, I think you have a chance to build something great! Despite of the copywrite issues, I believe you can make money with these games. Final Fantasy 9 is sold for $20.00 in the Apple Store…!! Where can I donate? Please keep me posted. Until then, I will go on playing Exit Fate. Again, great job! Be proud of yourself! Thank you so much for this game!!!
200 Responses.
[…] can download the game at SCFWorks. You should also be able to find the game on any search […]
[…] The gameplay is very satisfying, taking influence from Suikoden and Chrono Cross and their masses of recruitable characters. With both standard turn-based battles and strategy-RPG style sections, Exit Fate never feels boring to play and is very pretty to look at. It can be downloaded here. […]
Игроку предстоит странствовать по миру, заходить в многочисленные города, участвовать в сражениях с рядовыми врагами, а иногда и крупномасштабных битвах одной армии на другую. Точно так же как и в Suikoden II, в Exit Fate представлено огромное количество союзников (75), которых предстоит находить и уговаривать вступить в ряды своей армии, дабы получить в конце лучшую концовку. Вскоре герой получит свой замок, в котором буду жить его подчиненные и сможет воочию понаблюдать за их досугом. Каждый герой не то чтобы уникален, но имеет ряд своих талантов, которые игроку будут полезны: как в рядовых битвах, так и в крупномасштабных.
Игроку предстоит странствовать по миру, заходить в многочисленные города, участвовать в сражениях с рядовыми врагами, а иногда и крупномасштабных битвах одной армии на другую. Точно так же как и в Suikoden II, в Exit Fate представлено огромное количество союзников (75), которых предстоит находить и уговаривать вступить в ряды своей армии, дабы получить в конце лучшую концовку. Вскоре герой получит свой замок, в котором буду жить его подчиненные и сможет воочию понаблюдать за их досугом. Каждый герой не то чтобы уникален, но имеет ряд своих талантов, которые игроку будут полезны: как в рядовых битвах, так и в крупномасштабных.
After being defeated at Mayfall city i need to find Maior Gunwood.
But i cant add any party members after the battle
is there a solution ?
You don’t need any party members, just go to Mt Bosch (in Grunthall) as told by the story
Played about a decade ago; and still rate higher some games that I wasted my time and money on.
I know man, this and Last Scenario are very accomplished games in story and game balance. SCF is T A L E N T E D
After the Battle at Mayfall When Daniel awakes in his bedrom in Elysium Castel i can”t see any party member to put into party or entourage .
I’ve upgraded to Catalina 10.15.4 and can’t run the game.
Anyone else having the same problem? Whenever I click on the downloaded file, it says it can’t be opened. Please help!!!
[…] >Exit Fate: I spent like a week on this and I still haven’t finished it, oops. Lots of monsters, cool locations, a cool story, a handful of battle campaigns, and 120987019873 playable characters for a 6 character party. (More like 60, but whatever.) It’s a very solid RPG. What more could you want? […]
The best! Why’s EF not on Steam?
For one, the soundtrack is composed solely of songs sto– borrowed from Final Fantasy, Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, etc. So he’d have to get someone to make new music for it, at the very least. But unfortunately, the creator doesn’t seem to have an online presence anymore, at least not a public one, and it’s been so many years now that it’s become impossible to expect anything new to spring from this site. I just hope the person behind SCFWorks is out there somewhere, doing well. Exit Fate will live on forever as one of the five best Suikoden games, IMO.
Someone is clearly maintaining the site. The bottom of the page has a copyright 2020 on it. Maybe the server host does that automatically? I don’t know anything about these things. I’m sure the creator could bring people in to get some music made for it.
I just think people want to see this game get some compensation because they made a really good game and have clear talent. It’s just unfortunate because today has a lot more opportunities to make some money off of independent games than 10 years ago.
check my post below, the guy’s still alive
Did they finally fix it on android?? ×wouldn’t go past first war battle
Amazing game! Very well written cast and plot! Gameplay is just a liiiiiitle bit grindy, but oh well. I wish for you to make a new project that you could sell on Steam.
I’ve talked to SCF couple of months ago, asking about Exit Fate game mechanics. He’s still fine for anyone’s wondering, and is fun to talk with.
Here are the info I gathered from him, about game mechanics formulas and enemy stats.
Where can I talk to him?
Plz give me his mail. I wanna ask some things.
you can see it in the about page of this site
I can’t find his mail on this site…
[…] Download: Exit Fate, Gratis […]
I love game but I was hope characters in battle same Suikoden pixel sprites….
Best regards
Exit Fate android port game
and current fan side
Heard this pays much tribute to Suikoden 2… love that game, and just finished an LP of it.
Smol-time channel about to doing an LP of this.
Game may be 7 years old but still feels good enough to pay at least something for your hard work!
Is there a way to edit save files? I missed Paris because I got a B grade and now I can’t win against Keyser
[…] Title: Exit Fate Author: SCF Story: Exit Fate is a freeware RPG similar to Suikoden, wherein you can recruit seventy-five playable characters. It also bears some similarity to Chrono Cross.note The story centers on a man named Daniel, a colonel in the Kirgard Army. Kirgard and Zelmony are two nations at war, fights breaking out every 20 years or so. On the eve of the invasion of Helman Island, Daniel blacks out and wakes up in the middle of the woods, only to be branded a traitor. Seeing no other alternative, he joins the other side in order to try and bring a swift end to the war. He is then put in charge of a special unit to defend Zelmony, whereupon… erm… Okay, fine. The plot begins as one big Cliché Storm. Luckily, the plot thickens over time (culminating in a few legitimate twists toward the end), and it makes up for the initial unoriginality in depth, beauty, a colorful cast of characters and motives being used in unexpected ways. Never confuse the protagonist, Daniel Vinyard, with the similarly-named character (Daniel Vineyard) of American History X. This work is also not about exiting Fate. Screenshot: Download: Here […]
dude put this game on steam, ill buy it
and make a squel too
I played this years ago, but ran into a game breaking bug that made it impossible to progress. I was just thinking about it again, and saw the Android port, so I’ll give it another go. Great game!
I found this game downloaded on my computer from a while ago. I could have sworn it was from gamejolt, but after checking for the page, I came up empty handed. The game has gotten my attention for sure though! I wanted to say that on our channel “Bro Motions”, this game is officially the first game for our new “silent gameplay” series. I absolutely love the soundtracks and story so far. Cheers!
[…] EXIT FATE Sebuah RPG garapan satu orang dengan cerita yang menggugah untuk diikuti. Download: http://site.scfworks.com/?page_id=10 […]
Hi Scfworks ,just want you to know i will gladly donate if u make second game of this
RIP in peace.
It’s a fantastic game, thanks for making it happened. Downloaded it back in 2009 only managed to finished it recently with the unofficial android port. It’s a blast and it’s much more enjoyable playing in a phone IMO.
Im getting a script error when saving my game on my mac.
‘Scene_save’ line 21: Errno::EROFS
You need to keep it on desktop I think
Best Game! Needs more marketing
[…] Exit Fate | SCFWorks (game) […]
eror line 80 script scene load , to load war 6
Hi!, can I upload the gameplay and the walkthrough to YouTube?
[…] todos esses anos jogando RPGs de várias plataformas diferentes, de longe, o jogo Exit Fate da Empresa SCFWorks, foi o melhor RPG que já joguei na vida. Para quem gosta de uma boa […]
Is there gamepad support for the Linux port of this game? I can’t seem to get my Xbox 360 PC Wireless gamepad to work.
I believe not, since it isn’t mentioned anywhere … so guess we’re stuck with keyboard :/ Still, better than WINE! XDD
Lets make a Kickstarer Exit Fate Project!!!
ini gimana udah download linknya.instalnya mana?aku gak tahu nih
[…] Download: Exit Fate, Gratis […]
[…] atas screenshoot playnya jika ingin tahu bisa terus di download disini Link download : Disini game-game di atas sudah dapat dimaikan dengan versi full versionya gratis lagi, jadi kalin […]
[…] Download: Exit Fate, Gratis […]
Suikoden was and still is my favorite RPG, I just found Exit Fate and after only 3 hours I already love your work!! So well done!!! I hope you are working on a second part..!!! I would invest in a project like this and I would think that these kind of games still have a bigger popularity than most people think. Especially now, with people playing games on their phones, I think you have a chance to build something great! Despite of the copywrite issues, I believe you can make money with these games. Final Fantasy 9 is sold for $20.00 in the Apple Store…!! Where can I donate? Please keep me posted. Until then, I will go on playing Exit Fate. Again, great job! Be proud of yourself! Thank you so much for this game!!!
[…] Download: Exit Fate, Gratis […]