Thank you very much. This game was a masterpiece, and I am truly grateful for the insane amount of work and love that was poured into it. You made a dream of mine a reality.
I’ve made a Fan-Made Exit Fate v2, featuring the same sound track with immensely higher quality as well as a God Goodie, which gives you unlimited money and some other very interesting items. Otherwise, the game is exactly the same. You can download it here:
THANKS for reporting!!!
Please rename RGSS104E.dll to RGSS102E.dll.
I can’t believe I could be so unbelievably stupid. Actually, the dll is registered on my development system as well as on both my test systems, so I somehow forgot to change this. Thanks again! Please report if any other error occurs!
This guy could easily raise half a million on kickstarter/steam with a sequel/trilogy. Rpg/srpg hybrid are fantastic.
Obviously he’s got the art down, I mean down! He’d have to shop around for assets and music that aren’t copyright but that should be cheap enough seeing how much of that stuff exists freely.
I hope a sequel can happen, money won’t dirty it. Gladly donate $20.
I know nothing about the creators personal life but I hope he isn’t a starving artist if only for the situational shame because with talent like this and the cult of internetz in a market void of competition and ready to receive he shouldn’t be. I sincerely hope its just him swirling a brandy by the fireplace burning money instead of gathering wood going work of any sort,meh,no. Drinky clinky tiger skin rug.Thats how it should be, either way the mob wants more. Mob,mob, such are the sounds we make.
I still check this place about once a week, hoping for an update or a Kickstarter. Exit Fate’s still one of the best RPGs I’ve ever played, so I’m holding out hope that more are on their way, however long it might take. 😀
[…] one is made with RMXP. Mindblowing no? Deadly Sin 2 – The first game is pretty good too. Exit Fate – Suikoden rip off. To The Moon – Careful, this one is a real […]
Hi there, is there a world map for general overview. I know, that there is no viewable map in the game, but maybe you or someone else did somewhen draw out, where everthing lies? or a collage from world map screens? I would be very happy to find something like that. 🙂
I’m having a major issue which is hampering my ability to play. Half the button commands won’t work. They were working just fine yesterday. I can’t go to my menu when I press esc, I cant leave my magic menu in battle. I can’t play and am extremely frustrated about this.
I finished the game just recently. It was a great game all round. I never played suikoden but this gives me a good impression of what it’s like. I hope there’s a sequel planned as there still are mysteries left in the end.
[…] old blended with just enough newness to hit all the right notes. The game is available for free at SCF’s personal website, where prospective players are able to make a donation if they’d like. It stands tall enough on […]
[…] dynamic and its world comes alive with details. I can’t recommend enough that you go to the creator’s website, download the free game (available for Mac, here courtesy of a programmer named Barış Şencan), […]
I am going to rate the game in scale of 1-10, and explain my rating as short as I can. If any of my ratings/explanations could not be fixed due to limitations of product(RPG Maker) then consider the rating a 9 or 10.
Story: 9
Great story, length and depth to it. It could use some polishing but it’s already very good and almost equal to a commercial-retail game. I wish it had more characters to recruit. Then again that could be solved with more games made, like this one.
Graphics: 8
It could use some polishing on graphics as well in a sense of being able to give you bigger game window/better resolution and quality. It would also be nice if many of the textures/tiles were not ripped off.
(Though I didn’t mind really, but if you happen to ever want to sell a game you’d need to make your own.)
Character Icons: 6
Several Character Icons need allot of work. Some of them were great/beautiful but some others not so much. Normally it wouldn’t bother me too much but when there is ugly icons on the main hero/the one you control and his friends, then it’s something that will bother. To be precise I found the faces very blocky/squared and edgy to the point that some females looked manly. They could be smoother.
Daniels face icon looked like some sort of Sephiroth-like trollface.
I wish I had the option to change his face icon to an actual Sephiroth image, since the character looked similar to him.
Another example is that Angel looked like she was blind or something, with her icon having always her eyes closed.
Music-Sound: 9
This actually would be a 10, cause I loved it and how could I not since it was music from FF7,FF8, Final fantasy tactics and Suikoden. That music helped allot with me getting the “feels” and also missing those games/those kind of game. It made me glad to play this game, cause the whole game along with the music, just made worthy to play or even buy it if it was possible which is not. The reason I put 9 was due to the fact that it was not custom made/you own work. But then again I don’t really care. So you could consider it a 10.
Battle-Gameplay: 8.5 let’s say 9.
I liked the fact that you could choose to bribe the enemy before you enter combat. It made those times that you kind of wanted to hurry up or felt tired of frequency of random battles, to vanish and more enjoyable. Cudos for that. The pricing of bribes could use some reducing or remove the money thing, just to let you choose if you want to fight the random battle or not. The battle scene was good but could use some polishing by making it sorta like how Suikoden 1 and 2 battle scenes are. I also liked the dueling aspect of Suikoden 1 and 2, and I kinda missed it in Exit Fate.
Great game especially considering that it was made with RPG maker and also given for free/not bought, plus the small size of the file(short download time) and ready to play right after you download it.
It was better than Last Scenario in all areas.
I expected the game to be allot smaller/shorter but to my positive surprise it was not short at all and it was awesome.
It felt allot alike Suikoden 1 and 2, which I didn’t expect either.
SFC you have done excellent job/work. And even though there was some things I didn’t like that much, I enjoyed this game enough that I can/could ignore those flaws and easily feel like playing it through the end or even possibly re-play it in future.
I hope and wish for an Exit Fate 2 or generally more games similar to Suikoden 1 or 2. Cause I love JRPG’s like them.
Please help, trying to play this but only 2 of the directional movements work, left and up, as soon as I gain control of daniel he starts running to the left, I thought my left key was stuck or something but its not… somebody please help I wanna play this SO bad T_T
I tried a different USB keyboard and I;m still having the same issues, Left and down don’t work, not on arrow keys or num-pad arrow keys, I tried num-lock and abunch of stuff, and I can;t just re-route my keys cause there’s no damn option to set my directional keys otherwise I’d just use WASD…. :I
Do you have a gamepad or something like that connected?
Try disconnecting it and see if it works.If this doesn’t help you can try a program that changes your directional keys to whatever you want,maybe that will work.
I have found the answer to this problem. Click the NUM LOCK button on, see if it works, then turn off, see if it works… Fixed my problem on this and Last Scenario. Glad I could help the community. Both games are awesome, just have a few bugs in a few places… Save a lot… have patience… the games are free but are both well worth it. HAVE FUN
I can’t play to Exit Fate. When I click on Game.exe, it says “Unable to find Audio/BGM/Title screen” and it stops the process.
Can you help me to solve this problem?
Just a thought, but why doesn’t the author try to sell the game on Steam, maybe after changing it a bit in order to make it even more polished? I’m sure it would pass Greenlight in a matter of weeks (or days, like another recent indie rpg) and then he could have the funds to continue development.
Are you allowed to profit from an RPGMaker game? Though I do agree it’s good enough to be commercial, and if he made money off of it he could quite his job and make another game I’d gladly buy and enjoy:)
Yes, as long as you bought the engine legally and thus own the license for the use of it and the resources that come with it. You also need to have permission of the creators of resources outside the RTP for commercial usage, which might be the problem in this case. The fact of the matter is that a lot of the map graphics are rips from Suikoden II and thus, they cannot legally sell the game else they’d be, in a nutshell, selling someone else’s intellectual properties (Konami’s). Thus, no selling.
If they replaced all the graphics, sounds and scripts that weren’t theirs to use then they could do so, however that would take a long time to do on an already completed project. It’s not likely to happen.
Just want to chip in like the others on what an incredibly amazing game this is. To this day, this is still the most polished RPG Maker game I had the pleasure of playing. Would love to see another game made by you (sequel or otherwise).
Some new Exit fate etymology:
Kelsinger pass Lat. celare, celatus -to hide, to conceal + singer
Gaia heart Gr. ge, gaia -earth
Grunthall Grund -ground (German) + hall
Bergstat berg – mountain, hill + stadt -city, town (German)
Jargo jargon
Mount bosch bosch -wood, timber (Piedmontese)
Matrech Lat. mater -mother
Madrigal Sp. madre -mother + Lat. agere, actus -to do, to make + al -of, related to
I need some help, here – getting my butt kicked over and over at the final(?) battle of Vanaheim. Outnumbered 2-1 by the imperial army, and not having any luck so far. I’ve tried changing my troop types, have most characters at level 65 or better and most have kevel 14 weaponry.
Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!
You will need a bit of luck, attack only Gudrun’s unit one that has flag.Move all your troops north and with luck after 10 or more tries Gudrun may move south.Attack only Gudrun unit with everyone and with luck you may win.
Just got done playing. all i can saw it wow, well done. This was easily one of the top 5 games I have ever played, and as the story sets in over time it may challenge the likes of Suikoden 2 for the top spot. Excellent story where you can empathize with all the major characters throughout the game. The story was so unique and unpredictable, I thought I was getting close to beating it 20 hours in, but didnt wrap up until around 55.
Crossing my fingers for an eventual sequel. Would gladly donate via kickstarter to that end.
Check out Kerny’s Neko Rpg. It’s a player for Rpg Maker games for Android devices. Last Scenario works atm, but I can’t get Exit Fate working for the life of me.
I don’t know much about Android or Neko RPG, but the reason Exit Fate doesn’t work is probably because it uses a Windows API call to start in full screen mode.
That could potentially be why then, as Exit Fate opens to a black screen on it and shuts down within seconds. Does Last Scenario not use the same API call? Been a long time now since I’ve played either.
My only query is if someone is also experiencing my problem; the game is playing without any BGM, BGS, … only the SE are being played. If anyone knows how to resolve this issue, their help would be greatly appreciated!!
Exit Fate etymology:
Kirgard Gr. kirios -supreme authority, lord + guard
Zelmony Gr. zelos -zeal, eager rivalry + Lat. munis -service
Alfheim Ger. alfr, alf -elf + heim -home
Ljusalf ljos -light + alfr, alf -elf (Old Norse)
Shiro 白 (しろ) shiro -white
Hugin huge + in -of, related to
Munin Lat. munis -service + in -of, related to
Seraphim Heb. saraf to burn + im -plural suffix
Almenga all + men + Lat. agere, actus -to do, to make
Vanaheim vinr -friend + heim -home (Old Norse)
Avalon Lat. avere -to wish, to long for + al -of, related to
Finished this game last night. I don’t even know what to say, I’m just sad that it’s over. I enjoyed the hell out of it and I would love to know what you’re working on next (if anything!). Thanks.
Just finished it. Amazing work! You really got the feel of a Suikoden game down! The story had so many twists and turns, it felt like when you answered one question, two more pop up. Great stuff!
Wow- just installed and getting ready to try it and straight off I hear Chrono Trigger music… gonna try to see past that heheh, perhaps it is a tribute in some way, Here i go! 🙂
I just wrote an article on the way that Exit tributes past games in a way that really put off a lot of people. Don’t be so quick to dismiss it based on its (properly cited) use of other content. If you’re interested you can read more of my thoughts linked below, but I recommend you give the game an honest chance. Good luck 🙂
Finished my third playthrough of Exit Fate. Every time I play through this game, I marvel at the balance, the cinematic quality, and just the general overall quality of the game. I love this game.
[…] this comes down to, I think, is a plea to download and play Exit Fate. It seems like a lot of players heard one familiar track and recoiled in disgust, quarantining it […]
Just finished playing your awesome game Exit Fate. Thank you so much for making it, *donate* will be happening shortly. Hope you keep making games of this quality because I’ll keep playing them. 🙂
200 Responses.
I’ve created a Mac OS port for the game too! Visit the same URL above given for Linux.
Thank you very much. This game was a masterpiece, and I am truly grateful for the insane amount of work and love that was poured into it. You made a dream of mine a reality.
I’ve gone further and made a (again fan-made) Linux port of this great game.
(SCF, in case you like this, can you add a link to the page above?)
This is awesome!! Any chance of a Mac port, so I can play it on all my devices?
Done it now! 😀
I’ve made a Fan-Made Exit Fate v2, featuring the same sound track with immensely higher quality as well as a God Goodie, which gives you unlimited money and some other very interesting items. Otherwise, the game is exactly the same. You can download it here:
(I have no affiliation with SCF, just a BIG fan of Exit Fate :D)
I’d love to give this a whirl, but when I try to run it, I get a “RGSS102E.dll could not be found” error. Any idea how to get around this issue?
THANKS for reporting!!!
Please rename RGSS104E.dll to RGSS102E.dll.
I can’t believe I could be so unbelievably stupid. Actually, the dll is registered on my development system as well as on both my test systems, so I somehow forgot to change this. Thanks again! Please report if any other error occurs!
pease make anouther game this game is so dame god
Is there a way to play this fullscreen that I’m missing somehow? If not–can you please add fullscreen support???
hit alt+enter
[…] Download: Exit Fate, Gratis […]
I’m thinking of doing an original OST for the game to make it more authentic, would anyone else be interested in this?
That would be amazing! I’d be extremely interested in hearing it.
That would be awesome. Maybe it would inspire and kickstart the lazy SCF into making more games!
[…] Download Link: Exit Fate, Gratis […]
i hope theres another exit fate, like exit fate 2…
this game is great
They do not make them like this anymore.
This guy could easily raise half a million on kickstarter/steam with a sequel/trilogy. Rpg/srpg hybrid are fantastic.
Obviously he’s got the art down, I mean down! He’d have to shop around for assets and music that aren’t copyright but that should be cheap enough seeing how much of that stuff exists freely.
I hope a sequel can happen, money won’t dirty it. Gladly donate $20.
I know nothing about the creators personal life but I hope he isn’t a starving artist if only for the situational shame because with talent like this and the cult of internetz in a market void of competition and ready to receive he shouldn’t be. I sincerely hope its just him swirling a brandy by the fireplace burning money instead of gathering wood going work of any sort,meh,no. Drinky clinky tiger skin rug.Thats how it should be, either way the mob wants more. Mob,mob, such are the sounds we make.
I still check this place about once a week, hoping for an update or a Kickstarter. Exit Fate’s still one of the best RPGs I’ve ever played, so I’m holding out hope that more are on their way, however long it might take. 😀
[…] one is made with RMXP. Mindblowing no? Deadly Sin 2 – The first game is pretty good too. Exit Fate – Suikoden rip off. To The Moon – Careful, this one is a real […]
Hi there, is there a world map for general overview. I know, that there is no viewable map in the game, but maybe you or someone else did somewhen draw out, where everthing lies? or a collage from world map screens? I would be very happy to find something like that. 🙂
I’m having a major issue which is hampering my ability to play. Half the button commands won’t work. They were working just fine yesterday. I can’t go to my menu when I press esc, I cant leave my magic menu in battle. I can’t play and am extremely frustrated about this.
Thank u for this great work, from the bottom of my heart. Suikoden is my favorite rpg series and this pays such a huge hommage to it. Thank u again 🙂
I finished the game just recently. It was a great game all round. I never played suikoden but this gives me a good impression of what it’s like. I hope there’s a sequel planned as there still are mysteries left in the end.
[…] Exit Fate (2009) […]
[…] old blended with just enough newness to hit all the right notes. The game is available for free at SCF’s personal website, where prospective players are able to make a donation if they’d like. It stands tall enough on […]
[…] dynamic and its world comes alive with details. I can’t recommend enough that you go to the creator’s website, download the free game (available for Mac, here courtesy of a programmer named Barış Şencan), […]
how the manner to download this game?
Above screen shots, says “Exit Fate v1.02” click that.
I am going to rate the game in scale of 1-10, and explain my rating as short as I can. If any of my ratings/explanations could not be fixed due to limitations of product(RPG Maker) then consider the rating a 9 or 10.
Story: 9
Great story, length and depth to it. It could use some polishing but it’s already very good and almost equal to a commercial-retail game. I wish it had more characters to recruit. Then again that could be solved with more games made, like this one.
Graphics: 8
It could use some polishing on graphics as well in a sense of being able to give you bigger game window/better resolution and quality. It would also be nice if many of the textures/tiles were not ripped off.
(Though I didn’t mind really, but if you happen to ever want to sell a game you’d need to make your own.)
Character Icons: 6
Several Character Icons need allot of work. Some of them were great/beautiful but some others not so much. Normally it wouldn’t bother me too much but when there is ugly icons on the main hero/the one you control and his friends, then it’s something that will bother. To be precise I found the faces very blocky/squared and edgy to the point that some females looked manly. They could be smoother.
Daniels face icon looked like some sort of Sephiroth-like trollface.
I wish I had the option to change his face icon to an actual Sephiroth image, since the character looked similar to him.
Another example is that Angel looked like she was blind or something, with her icon having always her eyes closed.
Music-Sound: 9
This actually would be a 10, cause I loved it and how could I not since it was music from FF7,FF8, Final fantasy tactics and Suikoden. That music helped allot with me getting the “feels” and also missing those games/those kind of game. It made me glad to play this game, cause the whole game along with the music, just made worthy to play or even buy it if it was possible which is not. The reason I put 9 was due to the fact that it was not custom made/you own work. But then again I don’t really care. So you could consider it a 10.
Battle-Gameplay: 8.5 let’s say 9.
I liked the fact that you could choose to bribe the enemy before you enter combat. It made those times that you kind of wanted to hurry up or felt tired of frequency of random battles, to vanish and more enjoyable. Cudos for that. The pricing of bribes could use some reducing or remove the money thing, just to let you choose if you want to fight the random battle or not. The battle scene was good but could use some polishing by making it sorta like how Suikoden 1 and 2 battle scenes are. I also liked the dueling aspect of Suikoden 1 and 2, and I kinda missed it in Exit Fate.
Great game especially considering that it was made with RPG maker and also given for free/not bought, plus the small size of the file(short download time) and ready to play right after you download it.
It was better than Last Scenario in all areas.
I expected the game to be allot smaller/shorter but to my positive surprise it was not short at all and it was awesome.
It felt allot alike Suikoden 1 and 2, which I didn’t expect either.
SFC you have done excellent job/work. And even though there was some things I didn’t like that much, I enjoyed this game enough that I can/could ignore those flaws and easily feel like playing it through the end or even possibly re-play it in future.
I hope and wish for an Exit Fate 2 or generally more games similar to Suikoden 1 or 2. Cause I love JRPG’s like them.
omg gonna try this cuz this reminds me of Suikoden II :))
guys , go try suikoden II !! O.O
Please help, trying to play this but only 2 of the directional movements work, left and up, as soon as I gain control of daniel he starts running to the left, I thought my left key was stuck or something but its not… somebody please help I wanna play this SO bad T_T
I tried a different USB keyboard and I;m still having the same issues, Left and down don’t work, not on arrow keys or num-pad arrow keys, I tried num-lock and abunch of stuff, and I can;t just re-route my keys cause there’s no damn option to set my directional keys otherwise I’d just use WASD…. :I
Do you have a gamepad or something like that connected?
Try disconnecting it and see if it works.If this doesn’t help you can try a program that changes your directional keys to whatever you want,maybe that will work.
I have found the answer to this problem. Click the NUM LOCK button on, see if it works, then turn off, see if it works… Fixed my problem on this and Last Scenario. Glad I could help the community. Both games are awesome, just have a few bugs in a few places… Save a lot… have patience… the games are free but are both well worth it. HAVE FUN
I can’t play to Exit Fate. When I click on Game.exe, it says “Unable to find Audio/BGM/Title screen” and it stops the process.
Can you help me to solve this problem?
Just a thought, but why doesn’t the author try to sell the game on Steam, maybe after changing it a bit in order to make it even more polished? I’m sure it would pass Greenlight in a matter of weeks (or days, like another recent indie rpg) and then he could have the funds to continue development.
Are you allowed to profit from an RPGMaker game? Though I do agree it’s good enough to be commercial, and if he made money off of it he could quite his job and make another game I’d gladly buy and enjoy:)
Lots of more or less crappy RPG maker games are sold on Steam.
If Last Scenario and/or Exit Fate is released, I’ll buy both of them.
Yes, as long as you bought the engine legally and thus own the license for the use of it and the resources that come with it. You also need to have permission of the creators of resources outside the RTP for commercial usage, which might be the problem in this case. The fact of the matter is that a lot of the map graphics are rips from Suikoden II and thus, they cannot legally sell the game else they’d be, in a nutshell, selling someone else’s intellectual properties (Konami’s). Thus, no selling.
If they replaced all the graphics, sounds and scripts that weren’t theirs to use then they could do so, however that would take a long time to do on an already completed project. It’s not likely to happen.
This game uses a lot of copyrighted assets (pretty much all the tilesets and BGMs, I believe). It can not be legally sold.
Just want to chip in like the others on what an incredibly amazing game this is. To this day, this is still the most polished RPG Maker game I had the pleasure of playing. Would love to see another game made by you (sequel or otherwise).
Since this site has been dead for a long, long time, it pretty much informs me that SCF is either retired, completely moved on, or dead.
Bumping this comment back up so SCF hopefully reads and replies. (Original was over 2 months ago buried in comments)
Any chance we can get a small side-version without the API call so the fanbase can take Exit Fate on the go with mobile devices?
Some new Exit fate etymology:
Kelsinger pass Lat. celare, celatus -to hide, to conceal + singer
Gaia heart Gr. ge, gaia -earth
Grunthall Grund -ground (German) + hall
Bergstat berg – mountain, hill + stadt -city, town (German)
Jargo jargon
Mount bosch bosch -wood, timber (Piedmontese)
Matrech Lat. mater -mother
Madrigal Sp. madre -mother + Lat. agere, actus -to do, to make + al -of, related to
I need some help, here – getting my butt kicked over and over at the final(?) battle of Vanaheim. Outnumbered 2-1 by the imperial army, and not having any luck so far. I’ve tried changing my troop types, have most characters at level 65 or better and most have kevel 14 weaponry.
Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!
You will need a bit of luck, attack only Gudrun’s unit one that has flag.Move all your troops north and with luck after 10 or more tries Gudrun may move south.Attack only Gudrun unit with everyone and with luck you may win.
Thank you, Xand, will give that a try!
I think that Exit Fate would be better with new game + and arena.
I want an Exit Fate 2, this game needs a sequel!
Seriously. SCF, give an update or I will be all }}}divine{{{
I agree with this comment. I donated $20 because Exit Fate was so great. I’d do it again for an Exit Fate 2.
Just got done playing. all i can saw it wow, well done. This was easily one of the top 5 games I have ever played, and as the story sets in over time it may challenge the likes of Suikoden 2 for the top spot. Excellent story where you can empathize with all the major characters throughout the game. The story was so unique and unpredictable, I thought I was getting close to beating it 20 hours in, but didnt wrap up until around 55.
Crossing my fingers for an eventual sequel. Would gladly donate via kickstarter to that end.
Any chance of this for android? Would be awesome on the OUYA!
Check out Kerny’s Neko Rpg. It’s a player for Rpg Maker games for Android devices. Last Scenario works atm, but I can’t get Exit Fate working for the life of me.
I don’t know much about Android or Neko RPG, but the reason Exit Fate doesn’t work is probably because it uses a Windows API call to start in full screen mode.
That could potentially be why then, as Exit Fate opens to a black screen on it and shuts down within seconds. Does Last Scenario not use the same API call? Been a long time now since I’ve played either.
And how about a v1.02.1 without the call? Would be nice to see Exit Fate going mobile, and getting a new community to give it a go.
Would like to add my voice to this request.
Nope. Last Scenario doesn’t work on Kernny’s Neko RPG Player. It starts well but crashes during fights with an “undefined method” error
I love this game!!!
I and my all friends want a Exit Fate 2….next begin adventures…
Sincerelly TAEL
I Downloaded the .zip file and when trying to extract Winrar keep saying:”The archive is either in unknown format or damaged” ???
What to do ?
Totally love this game.
My only query is if someone is also experiencing my problem; the game is playing without any BGM, BGS, … only the SE are being played. If anyone knows how to resolve this issue, their help would be greatly appreciated!!
Love this game. For a free game this is awesome
[…] Exit Fate (2009) […]
Exit Fate etymology:
Kirgard Gr. kirios -supreme authority, lord + guard
Zelmony Gr. zelos -zeal, eager rivalry + Lat. munis -service
Alfheim Ger. alfr, alf -elf + heim -home
Ljusalf ljos -light + alfr, alf -elf (Old Norse)
Shiro 白 (しろ) shiro -white
Hugin huge + in -of, related to
Munin Lat. munis -service + in -of, related to
Seraphim Heb. saraf to burn + im -plural suffix
Almenga all + men + Lat. agere, actus -to do, to make
Vanaheim vinr -friend + heim -home (Old Norse)
Avalon Lat. avere -to wish, to long for + al -of, related to
Finished this game last night. I don’t even know what to say, I’m just sad that it’s over. I enjoyed the hell out of it and I would love to know what you’re working on next (if anything!). Thanks.
I started the game up and I heard familiar music. When it hit me that it was from Xenogears I knew the game would be good!
i read a let’s play of it on the LP Archive, it’s pretty ballin’, really captures the Suikoden feel.
So do you have any plans for a sequel?
Another great story to be told.
However, instead of limited to Windows, can it be ported to android, or a kinda emulator to run?
Just finished it. Amazing work! You really got the feel of a Suikoden game down! The story had so many twists and turns, it felt like when you answered one question, two more pop up. Great stuff!
Wow- just installed and getting ready to try it and straight off I hear Chrono Trigger music… gonna try to see past that heheh, perhaps it is a tribute in some way, Here i go! 🙂
I just wrote an article on the way that Exit tributes past games in a way that really put off a lot of people. Don’t be so quick to dismiss it based on its (properly cited) use of other content. If you’re interested you can read more of my thoughts linked below, but I recommend you give the game an honest chance. Good luck 🙂
Finished my third playthrough of Exit Fate. Every time I play through this game, I marvel at the balance, the cinematic quality, and just the general overall quality of the game. I love this game.
[…] this comes down to, I think, is a plea to download and play Exit Fate. It seems like a lot of players heard one familiar track and recoiled in disgust, quarantining it […]
Just finished playing your awesome game Exit Fate. Thank you so much for making it, *donate* will be happening shortly. Hope you keep making games of this quality because I’ll keep playing them. 🙂